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LocumTenens.com Salary Surveys

Pediatric Salary

How much do pediatricians make?

What is the salary for a pediatrician?

LocumTenens.com conducted its Annual Salary and Employment Survey in August through October 2023. Survey respondents represent pediatricians who practice on a locum tenens basis as well as those with permanent salaries. Compensation results consist of only full-time, permanent employees and consider only annual salary and bonuses.

Average Pediatrician Salary in 2023


Historical Salary Data

How does this year's salary for pediatricians compare to other years?

In 2023, the average pediatrician’s salary grew by 14% over 2022. During the COVID-19 global health emergency, workloads and salaries both decreased, mostly due to fewer sick children and parent fear of exposure in routine appointments, as well as increased burnout among pediatricians. A considerable segment of pediatricians (21%) expressed dissatisfaction with their job in a report published in 2023.

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2021 data not available.

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Survey Results

Demographic insights by gender


LocumTenens Salary Survey - Male - Pediatrics


LocumTenens Salary Survey - Female - Pediatrics


LocumTenens Salary Survey - Prefer not to answer - Pediatrics

Prefer not to answer


Where did pediatricians work in 2023?

Last year, most pediatricians worked for hospitals.

LocumTenens Salary Survey - Hospital Employed - Pediatric

Hospital employed


LocumTenens Salary Survey - Group practice - Pediatric

Medical group / practice owned by a hospital / system


LocumTenens Salary Survey - Community center - Pediatric

Independent medical group / practice



Pediatricians who took this survey

In 2023, more than half (52%) of pediatricians had been in their practice for 21 or more years, and the largest segments belonged to Generation X (42% born 1965 to 1980) and Baby Boomers (36% born 1946 to 1964).

By region

Years in practice

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Employment status

How old are emergency medicine physicians?


This report was compiled using data from an original survey conducted by LocumTenens.com from August to October 2023. Medical practitioners from the LocumTenens.com database were invited to participate in this survey. Some recipients had been placed by LocumTenens.com, and some had not. As incentive for completing the survey, respondents were offered a chance to win a $500 Amazon gift card. This survey takes into account clinicians currently practicing medicine. Of the 2,081 respondents who qualified for the survey, 1,675 completed it. At the 95% confidence level, the survey has an error range of +/- 2.4%.